Szanowni Czytelnicy,
Czy kiedykolwiek próbowaliście czytać Biblię w anglojęzycznym przekładzie Króla Jakuba z 1611 roku (King James Bible, nazywaną czasem Authorised Version), ale jej język wydawał się wam zbyt trudny? Trafialiście na zupełnie niezrozumiałe słowa lub zwroty, których nie dało się znaleźć w podręcznym słowniku? Albo czasowniki o nieznanych współczesnemu językowi, trudnych do wymówienia, końcówkach, czy też dziwne krótkie słówka, takie jak thy, sod albo wot? Podobne “problemy” wymieniają często językoznawcy, którzy twierdzą, że język Biblii Króla Jakuba jest niezrozumiały i należy go “uwspółcześnić”, bądź w ogóle o nim zapomnieć i stworzyć zupełnie nowy przekład (co zresztą już wielokrotnie zrobiono). To ciekawe, że ci sami filolodzy nie sugerują przepisania dzieł Shakespeare’a współczesnym językiem angielskim, a on przecież posługiwał się podobnym słownictwem i gramatyką co redaktorzy King James Bible…
I will not eat my word. Now thou art mine,
Thy faith my fancy to thee doth combine.
As You like It (p. 199; B. A. Mowat & P. Werstine, Eds.)
Ale o pięknie języka Biblii Króla Jakuba nie będziemy tutaj pisać, bo powstało to tym mnóstwo książek, do których bez większego problemu mamy dostęp i w Polsce. Kwestii czy jest to wierny przekład oryginalnego tekstu biblijnego nie będziemy w ogóle poruszać — napisano to tym jeszcze więcej książek, a niekończące się debaty i wymiana argumentów między jego zwolennikami i przeciwnikami mogą przyprawić o ból głowy.
Jednak dla wszystkich, którzy zechcą podjąć trud przeczytania King James Bible
zamieszczamy szereg pomocnych informacji dotyczących jej języka oraz dość obszerną listę trudniejszych słów, które dziś można uznać za “archaiczne” i niezrozumiałe lub też ich współczesne znaczenie jest zupełnie inne. Zapewniam, że warto przeczytać angielską King James Bible — jest to Biblia, która potrafi zmienić życie, a przez ostatnie cztery stulecia zmieniła życie milionów ludzi.
(Psalm 119:105) Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, And a light unto my path.
Całość poniższych wyjaśnień jest oczywiście tylko w języku angielskim. Nie powinien to być jednak problem dla kogoś, kto zamierza przeczytać Biblię w tym języku. Uznaliśmy, że tłumaczenie angielskich definicji słownikowych na język polski mija się z celem, bo Biblię trzeba czytać (i rozważać) w całości w jednym języku i w jednym (dodajmy: dobrym) przekładzie — tylko wtedy w umyśle, a raczej w sercu, czytającego pojawia się jej pełny sens, a niejasne początkowo fragmenty z czasem stają się zrozumiałe.
King James Bible language
Lord – LORD; God – GOD
In Exodus 3:14, the Lord gave to Moses His covenant name I AM THAT I AM, using the four Hebrew letters: Jod He Waw He. This name is used throughout the Old Testament, but the later Jews came to consider the name so sacred that they ceased to pronounce it, and instead protected it by substituting the appropriate vowel indicators with those of the Hebrew word Adoni — Lord, or sometimes Elohim — God.
The Authorised Version translators thus use LORD, with an initial capital letter and small capitals for the other letters, to indicate JHWH with the vowel indicators of Adoni (e.g., Genesis 2:4), and GOD for those instances of JHWH with the vowels of Elohim (e.g., Genesis 6:5).
Places where both words appear together deserve special attention — only one of them, Lord or God, is written in capital letters, indicating that only one original Hebrew word is the Tetragrammaton JHWH. See for example Genesis 15:2 (And Abram said, Lord GOD, . . .) or Genesis 24:7 (The LORD God of heaven, . . .).
Pronouns: thou, thee, thy, etc.
In using thou, thee, …, ye, you, … the Authorised Version maintains the distinction between singular and plural second person pronouns that is present in the original Hebrew and Greek text. The examples below demonstrate the referents of the second person pronouns as used in the translation.
Second person singular
nominative — thou
objective — thee
genitive — thy/thine
possessive — thine
Second person plural (or formal singular)
nominative — ye
objective — you
genitive — your
possessive — yours
In the nominative case, the pronoun is the subject of a clause (e.g., Thou shalt not . . . ; Ye wives of Lamech . . . ). In the objective case, the pronoun is the object in a clause (e.g., I bring thee word . . . ; I have given you . . . ). The genitive case indicates possession and precedes a noun to indicate possession of that noun (e.g., Leave there thy gift . . . ; Take also your brother . . . ); word thine is used when the subsequent noun begins with a vowel or the letter h. The possessive case replaces a noun phrase and indicates possession (e.g., Why do the disciples of John fast often . . . but thine eat and drink?; . . . if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.).
The use of italics
In the Authorised Version translators decided that the words added, in order to give understanding of translated text to a reader, should be indicated in italic script, so that the reader would know that these words were not actually in the original texts.
King James Bible “archaic” words
Of the around 12,000 different words found in the King James Bible, only about 300 could truly be considered “archaic” or obscure in their meaning. Many of these words are only found once in the AV text. A list of about seven hundred less commonly used words with an instance count (some counts include plural forms and other variations of the word), definitions, and example references are listed below. The included definition sources are from: The Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd Ed., prepared by J.A. Simpson and E.S.C. Weiner, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1989, and An American Dictionary of the English Language… by Noah Webster, LL. D, New York, S. Converse, 1828. The list was initially compiled by Timothy S. Morton in 2012 and placed in the Public Domain, but the one published here was diligently revised and updated (in 2024) according to the Pure Cambridge Edition of the King James Bible.
Word | Count | Definition and some references |
-est (-st, -edst) | – | the second person singular inflection of present or past tense of the verb (Gen 2:16; Gen 13:15; Gen 31:13) |
-eth (-th) | – | the third person singular inflection of present tense of the verb (Gen 1:21; Gen 16:13) |
Abated | 6 | diminished in intensity or amount; lessened (Gen 8:3; Lev 27:18; Deut 34:7) |
Abba | 3 | father — a Greek transliteration of an Aramaic word (Mark 14:36; Rom 8:15; Gal 4:6) |
Abhor | 43 | to regard with horror, extreme repugnance or disgust; to hate utterly, loathe, detest (Exod 5:21; Lev 20:23; Lev 26:11) |
Abject | 1 | an outcast, a worthless, despicable person (Ps 35:15). |
Abroad | 80 | outdoors; away from home; scattered about (1 Sam 9:26; Mark 1:28; John 11:52) |
Adamant | 2 | a sharp, hard stone; the hardest substance (Ezek 3:9; Zech 7:12) |
Adjure | 7 | to charge or bind by an oath or threat (1 Kgs 22:16; 2 Chr 18:15; Matt 26:63) |
Admiration | 2 | wonder or astonishment (Jude 1:16; Rev 17:6) |
Admonish | 9 | to instruct; warn; reprove mildly (Eccl 4:13) |
Ado | 1 | trouble; labor; fuss (Mark 5:39) |
Adventure | 3 | hazard, risk (Deut 28:56; Judg 9:17; Acts 19:31) |
Advertise | 2 | give notice, inform (Num 24:14; Rth 4:4) |
Advisement | 1 | a consultation; counsel (1 Chr 12:19) |
Affect | 4 | to act upon (Lam 3:51); embitter (Acts 14:2); desire, seek (Gal 4:17; Gal 4:18) |
Affinity | 3 | a relationship by marriage (1 Kgs 3:1; 2 Chr 18:1; Ezra 9:14) |
Affording | 1 | accomplishing, yielding, producing or providing (Ps 144:13) |
Afoot | 2 | to go on foot; walk (Matt 6:33; Acts 20:13) |
Afore | 7 | before; prior (2 Kgs 20:4; Ps 129:6; Rom 1:2) |
Agone | 1 | past, ago (1 Sam 30:13) |
Ague | 1 | fever; chill (Lev 26:16) |
Albeit | 2 | although; even though (Ezek 13:7; Phlm 1:19) |
Alleluia | 4 | an exclamation meaning “Praise the Lord” (Rev 19:1) |
Allow | 4 | to praise or approve (Luke 11:48; Acts 24:15; Rom 7:15) |
Alms | 13 | charity; relief to the poor (Matt 6:1; Luke 11:41; Acts 3:2) |
Amazed | 21 | terrified, confounded with fear, astonished (Exod 15:15; Mark 9:15; Mark 14:33) |
Ambassage | 1 | ambassador, delegation (Luke 14:32) |
Amerce | 1 | to punish by imposing a penalty or fine (Deut 22:19) |
Amiable | 1 | friendly, agreeable, or lovely (Ps 84:1) |
Amiss | 4 | in error, incorrect, improper (2 Chr 6:37; Dan 3:29; Luke 23:41) |
Anathema | 1 | formal act of consigning to damnation; accursed (1 Cor 16:22) |
Ancient | 16 | that has been of long duration; old person yet still alive, elders (Deut 33:15; Ezra 3:12; Job 12:12; Isa 3:2) |
Angle | 2 | fishing rod with hook (Isa 19:8; Hab 1:15) |
Anise | 1 | an herb of the parsley family (Matt 23:23) |
Anon | 2 | immediately, at once (Mt. 13:20; Mark 1:30) |
Apace | 3 | traveling at a great pace, swiftly (2 Sam 18:25; Ps 68:12; Jer 46:5) |
Apostle | 83 | messenger; one sent on a mission (Matt 10:2; Mark 6:30; Luke 9:10) |
Apothecary | 6 | a store or shop; pharmacy, spice dealer (Exod 30:25; 2 Chr 16:14; Neh 3:8) |
Apparel | 28 | clothing; attire (Judg 17:10; Acts 1:10) |
Appertain | 7 | belong or pertain to (Num 16:30; Neh 2:8; Jer 10:7) |
Apple of… eye | 5 | pupil of the eye (Deut 32:10; Ps 17:8; Prov 7:2) |
Aright | 5 | correctly, properly (Ps 50:23; Prov 15:2; Jer 8:6) |
Armholes | 2 | armpits (Jer 38:12; Ezek 13:18) |
Array | 45 | to clothe (Gen 41:42); to line up an army for battle (Judg 20:20; 1 Chr 19:9) |
Art | 495 | second person singular of verb “be” — are (Gen 3:9) |
Artificer | 4 | one who makes something by art or skill (Gen 4:22; 1 Chr 29:5; Isa 3:3) |
Artillery | 1 | offensive weapon such as a bow or sling (1 Sam 20:40) |
Asp | 5 | a snake, serpent (Deut 32:33) |
Assay | 6 | to try, undertake, attempt (Deut 4:34; 1 Sam 17:39; Acts 9:26) |
Assent | 2 | to agree, concur (2 Chr 18:12; Acts 24:9) |
Asswage | 3 | to lessen, relieve, or ease (Gen 8:1; Job 16:5; Job 16:6) |
Astonied | 10 | astonished, surprised or startled (Ezra 9:3; Dan 5:9;) |
Asunder | 21 | apart; into parts; separately (Lev 1:17) |
Attent | 2 | earnestly or eagerly directed towards the perception of anything, to be attentive (2 Chr 6:40; 2 Chr 7:15) |
Augment | 1 | to enlarge, increase (Num 32:14) |
Austere | 2 | to be severe, strict, harsh (Luke 19:21; Luke 19:22) |
Averse | 1 | to turn away, back (Mic 2:8) |
Avouched | 2 | admitted, affirmed (Deut 26:17; Deut 26:18) |
Away with | 6 | tolerate, bear, and endure (Isa 1:13); to take away (Luke 23:18; John 19:15; Acts 21:36; Acts 22:22) |
Axletrees | 2 | wooden axels, spindle (1 Kgs 7:32; 1 Kgs 7:33) |
Backbite | 4 | to slander, traduce, speak ill of (Ps 15:3; Prov 25:23; Rom 1:30; 2Cor 12:20) |
Bakemeats | 1 | baked food (Gen 40:17) |
Bank | 3 | mound for besieging a city (2 Sam 20:15; 2 Kgs 19:32; Isa 37:33) |
Banqueting | 2 | feasting; entertaining with rich fare; drinking party (Song 2:4; 1 Pet 4:3) |
Barbarian | 4 | foreigner, alien (1 Cor 14:11) |
Barked | 1 | to have the bark scrapped off (Joel 1:7) |
Base | 8 | lowly, humble (1 Cor 1:28; 2 Cor 10:1) |
Bastard | 3 | an illegitimate child (Deut 23:2; Zech 9:6; Heb 12:8) |
Bath | 6 | liquid measure, about 26 liters (Isa 5:10) |
Battlement | 2 | a formation on top of a wall for protection (Deut 22:8; Jer 5:10) |
Beckon | 8 | to make a sign to another, by nodding, winking, or a motion of the hand (Luke 1:22; John 13:24; Acts 19:33) |
Bedstead | 2 | a place for a bed; bed frame (Deut 3:11) |
Beeves | 7 | the plural of beef, oxen (Lev 22:19; Num 31:28) |
Begat/beget | 240 | to procreate, as a father (Gen 4:18; Prov 23:22); to generate (Jas 1:18) |
Beggarly | 1 | a meanly; indigently; despicable (Gal 4:9) |
Begotten | 24 | procreated, brought forth (Gen 5:4); to produce, as an effect (1 Cor 4:15) |
Behemoth | 1 | a beast or brute; very large and strong animal (Job 40:15) |
Behove | 2 | to be necessary for; to be fit for (Luke 24:46; Heb 2:17) |
Belie | 1 | to deceive by lying, falsely represented either by word or obvious evidence and indication (Jer 5:12) |
Bemoan | 7 | bewail, lament, or express pity for (Job 42:11; Jer 15:5; Nah 3:7) |
Beseech | 70 | to ask or pray with urgency; to supplicate, entreat, implore (Exod 3:18; Matt 8:5) |
Besom | 1 | broom; sweeping tool (Isa 14:23) |
Bestead | 1 | distressed; perplexed (Isa 8:21) |
Bestir | 1 | to stir up; to move with vigor (2 Sam 5:24) |
Bethink | 2 | to think about, bear in mind; to remember (1 Kgs 8:47; 2 Chr 6:37) |
Betimes | 5 | early, in due time (Gen 26:31; 2 Chr 36:15; Job 8:5) |
Betrothed | 9 | engaged for marriage, affianced (Exod 21:8; Deut 20:7) |
Bettered | 1 | improve, made better (Mark 5:26) |
Betwixt | 16 | between, in the various senses of that word (Gen 17:11; Song 1:13; Phil 1:23) |
Bewail | 10 | to express sorrow, lament, mourn (Lev 10:6; Deut 21:13; Judg 11:37) |
Bewitch | 3 | to influence in a way similar to witchcraft (Acts 8:9; Gal 3:1) |
Bewray | 4 | to reveal, expose, disclose, or betray (Isa 16:3; Prov 27:16; Matt 26:73) |
Bier | 2 | a movable framework on which a corpse, whether in a coffin or not, is carried to the grave (2 Sam 3:31; Luke 7:14) |
Billow | 1 | a great swelling wave of the sea (Ps 42:7) |
Bishop | 5 | an overseer; a spiritual superintendent (Phil 1:1; 1 Pet 2:25) |
Bishoprick | 1 | the office of Bishop or overseer (Acts 1:20) |
Bittern | 3 | a bird similar to a heron (Isa 14:23; Isa 34:11; Zeph 2:14) |
Blains | 2 | an swelling or sore; a boil (Exod 9:9; Exod 9:10) |
Blaze | 1 | to make known, to make public far and wide (Mark 1:45) |
Blueness | 1 | quality or state of being livid, as a bruise (Prov 20:30) |
Boisterous | 1 | strong; mighty; powerful (Matt 14:30) |
Bolled | 1 | having bolls; having seed vessels, in pod, in seed (Exod 9:31) |
Bolster | 6 | a stuffed pillow or cushion used to support the sleeper’s head (1 Sam 19:13) |
Bond(wo)man | 38 | slave, or one bound to service without wages (Gen 21:10; Lev 19:20; Deut 28:68) |
Boss | 1 | convex projection in the centre of a shield or buckler (Job 15:26) |
Botch | 2 | ulcer, tumor, boil (Deut 28:27; Deut 28:35) |
Bottle | 34 | a vessel with a narrow neck for holding liquids, now usually made of glass, originally of leather (Gen 21:14; Luke 5:38) |
Bowels | 39 | the interior of anything, affections (Gen 15:4; Phil 1:8; 1 John 3:17) |
Bravery | 1 | display, show, ostentation; splendour (Isa 3:18) |
Bray | 2 | the cry peculiar to some animals, esp. the ass (Job 6:5; Prov 27:22) |
Breeches | 5 | garments for the loins and thighs (Exod 28:42; Exod 39:28; Lev 6:10) |
Brigandine | 2 | body armor (Jer 46:4; Jer 51:3) |
Brimstone | 15 | burning stone of sulphur (Gen 19:24; Rev 21:8) |
Broided | 1 | braided — plaited, woven, entwined (1 Tim 2:9) |
Broidered | 8 | ornamented with needlework; embroidered (Exod 28:4; Ezek 16:10) |
Bruit | 2 | rumor, report (Jer 10:22; Nah 3:19) |
Brutish | 11 | uncivilized, brutal, stupid, or without understanding (Ps 49:10; Ezek 21:31) |
Buckler | 16 | a round shield with a grip (2 Sam 22:31; 2 Chr 23:9) |
Buffet | 5 | beat, strike, esp. with the hand (Mark 14:65; 2 Cor 12:7; 1 Cor 4:11) |
Bulrush | 3 | a tall rush growing in or near water (papyrus of Egypt) (Exod 2:3; Isa 18:2; Isa 58:5) |
Bunch | 3 | a certain quantity fastened together for sale, bundle (2 Sam 16:1; 1 Chr 12:40); a hump on the back (Isa 30:6) |
Butler | 9 | cup-bearer (Gen 40:1) |
By and By | 4 | immediately or at once (Matt 13:21; Mark 6:25; Luke 17:7) |
Cab | 1 | a dry measure, about 1.7 liters (2 Kgs 6:25) |
Calve | 3 | to give birth to a calf, said of kine, deer, etc. (Job 39:1; Ps 29:9; Jer 14:5) |
Canker | 1 | an eating, spreading sore or ulcer, a gangrene (2 Tim 2:17) |
Cankered | 1 | rusted, corroded (Jas 5:3) |
Carbuncle | 4 | a precious stone of a red or fiery color (Exod 28:17; Isa 54:12; Ezek 28:13) |
Carefulness | 4 | solicitude, anxiety, concern (Ezek 12:18; 1 Cor 7:32) |
Careless | 5 | free from care, secure (Judg 18:7) |
Carnal(ly) | 15 | in the way of carnal intercourse; not spiritual, in a negative sense, material; pertaining to the body; fleshly, sensual (Lev 18:20; Rom 7:14; 1 Cor 3:1; 2 Cor 10:4) |
Carriage | 6 | that which is carried; a burden, a load; baggage; portable equipment of an army (Judg 18:21; 1 Sam 17:22; Isa 10:28) |
Castaway | 1 | rejected (1 Cor 9:27) |
Caul | 12 | fatty tissue that surrounds an organ in the body (Exod 29:13; Lev 9:19) |
Cauls | 1 | a kind of close-fitting caps, worn by women, often richly ornamented (Isa 3:18) |
Causeway | 2 | a raised road across a low place; highway, usually a paved way (1 Chr 26:16; 1 Chr 26:18) |
Chambering | 1 | sexual indulgence or lewdness (Rom 13:13) |
Chamberlain | 15 | manager of a household or town (Acts 12:20; Rom 16:23) |
Chamois | 1 | a small antelope (Deut 14:5) |
Champaign | 1 | a plain; flat, open country (Deut 11:30) |
Chapiter | 29 | head of, or capital of a column (1 Kgs 7:16) |
Chapmen | 1 | people engaged in buying and selling; merchants (2 Chr 9:14) |
Chapt | 1 | cracked, as clayey ground in summer (Jer 14:4) |
Charger | 20 | a platter or large dish (Num 7:13; Ezra 1:9; Mark 6:28) |
Charity | 28 | love, treating with affectionate regard; man’s love of God and his neighbour (1 Cor 13:1; Rev 2:19) |
Chaste | 3 | pure from unlawful sexual intercourse; virtuous; undefiled (2 Cor 11:2; Titus 2:5) |
Chasten | 20 | to correct by punishment; to punish (2 Sam 7:14; Rev 3:19) |
Check | 1 | repulse, rebuke (Job 20:3) |
Chide/chode | 7 | to quarrel, contend, strive or argue (Exod 17:2; Judg 8:1; Ps 103:9 / Gen 31:36; Num 20:3) |
Choler | 2 | anger, heat of temper, wrath (Dan 8:7; Dan 11:11) |
Churl(ish) | 3 | a niggard, stingy in money-matters; a rude, surly, ill-bred man (1 Sam 25:3; Isa 32:5; Isa 32:7) |
Cieled | 4 | covered, panelled (2 Chr 3:5; Jer 22:14; Ezek 41:16) |
Circumspect(ly) | 2 | watchful on all sides, attentive to everything, cautious (Exod 23:13; Eph 5:15) |
Cleave | 33 | to cling or adhere to; to split or divide (Gen 2:24; Rom 12:9; Lev 1:17; Ps 74:15) |
Clift | 1 | cleft, a space or opening made by splitting (Exod 33:22; Isa 57:5) |
Closet | 3 | private room (Joel 2:16; Matt 6:6; Luke 12:3) |
Clout | 3 | a piece of cloth, often used as a patch; to mend with a clout (Jer 38:11; Jer 38:12; Josh 9:5) |
Coast | 113 | border, region (Exod 10:14; Matt 2:16) |
Cockatrice | 4 | a serpent (Isa 11:8) |
Cockle | 1 | a weed, darnel (Job 31:40) |
Coffer | 3 | a strong box in which valuables are kept (1 Sam 6:8; 1 Sam 6:11; 1 Sam 6:15) |
Cogitation | 1 | the action of thinking or reflecting (Dan 7:28) |
Collop | 1 | a thick fold of flesh on the body as evidence of a well-fed condition (Job 15:27) |
Comeliness | 5 | pleasing appearance, beauty of form, handsomeness (Isa 53:2) |
Comely | 16 | fair, pretty, beautiful; (1 Sam 16:8; Job 41:12) |
Commodious | 1 | serviceable or convenient for accommodation, shelter (Acts 27:12) |
Communicate | 6 | to give to another as a partaker; to give a share of; to impart information or knowledge (Gal 2:2; Phil 4:14) |
Companied | 1 | accompanied (Acts 1:21) |
Compass | 89 | to go around, surround, or encircle (Num 21:4; Luke 19:43) |
Conceit | 7 | opinion, conception (Prov 18:11) |
Concision | 1 | a cutting away; used there instead “circumcision” and applied to the Judaizing Christians (Phil 3:2) |
Conclude | 4 | to include, comprehend, comprise, sum up; to shut up, enclose, include (Acts 21:25; Rom 3:28; Rom 11:32; Gal 3:22) |
Concord | 1 | in agreement, harmony, accord (2 Cor 6:15) |
Concourse | 2 | an assembly of people or a crowd (Prov 1:21; Acts 19:40) |
Concubine | 39 | a “secondary wife” whose position is recognized by law, but is inferior to that of a wife (Gen 22:24) |
Concupiscence | 3 | strong desire or appetite (Rom 7:8; Col 3:5; 1 Thess 4:5) |
Coney | 2 | a small, rabbit like, animal living in caves and clefts of the rocks in Palestine (Lev 11:5; Deut 14:7) |
Confection | 1 | a preparation made by mixing, a composition, compound (Exod 30:35) |
Confederate | 3 | a league or joined together (Gen 14:13; Ps 83:5; Isa 7:2) |
Constrain | 10 | to force, compel, oblige a person to do anything (Gal 6:12) |
Contemn | 7 | to scorn, despise, or treat with contempt (Ps 10:13; Ezek 21:13) |
Contrariwise | 3 | on the other hand, on the contrary (2 Cor 2:7; Gal 2:7; 1 Pet 3:9) |
Contrite | 5 | crushed or broken in spirit by a sense of sin (Ps 34:18; Isa 57:15) |
Convenient | 10 | suitable, appropriate (Prov 30:8; Eph 5:4) |
Conversant | 2 | dwelling habitually or frequently, accustomed to live or abide (Josh 8:35; 1 Sam 25:15) |
Conversation | 20 | manner of conducting oneself in the world or in society; behaviour (Ps 37:14; 2 Pet 3:11) |
Convince | 7 | to overcome a person in argument; to prove to be wrong, confute (Job 32:12; Titus 1:9; Jude 1:15) |
Convocation | 19 | an assembly of persons called together (Num 28:18) |
Coriander | 2 | plant with small spicy seeds (Exod 16:31; Num 11:7) |
Cormorant | 4 | a large, voracious sea-bird (Lev 11:17; Deut 14:17; Isa 34:11) |
Corn | 102 | a small hard particle of grain or seed (Gen 27:28; 1 Tim 5:18) |
Cote | 1 | a shelter for animals or storage (2 Chr 32:28) |
Coulter | 1 | blade of a plough (1 Sam 13:20) |
Countenance | 55 | appearance of the face (Gen 4:5; Luke 9:29) |
Countervail | 1 | to compensate, make up for (damage, loss) (Est 7:4) |
Cousin | 2 | kinsman, relative (Luke 1:36; Luke 1:58) |
Covert | 9 | a shelter or hiding place (1 Sam 25:20; Jer 25:38) |
Cracknels | 1 | a light, crisp kind of biscuit, of a curved or hollowed shape (1 Kgs 14:3) |
Creature | 41 | a created being (Rom 1:25; 1 Tim 4:4) |
Crib | 3 | the manger of a stable (Job 39:9; Prov 14:4; Isa 1:3) |
Crisping pins | 1 | instruments for crisping or curling the hair (Isa 3:22) |
Crookbackt | 1 | hump-backed, hunch-backed (Lev 21:20) |
Cruse | 9 | a small vessel for holding liquids (1 Sam 26:11; 2 Kgs 2:20) |
Cubit | 258 | an ancient measure of length derived from the forearm, from elbow to fingertip — about 0.5 meter (Deut 3:11) |
Cuckow | 2 | a bird (Lev 11:16; Deut 14:15) |
Cumber | 2 | to harass, distress, trouble; to occupy obstructively, to burden (Luke 10:40; Luke 13:7) |
Cummin | 4 | a plant used as a spice (Isa 28:25; Isa 28:27; Matt 23:23) |
Cunning | 34 | showing skill or expertness; skilfully contrived or executed; skilful (Gen 25:27; Exod 28:6; Song 7:1) |
Curious(ly) | 10 | made with care or art, skilfully, elaborately or beautifully wrought (Exod 28:8; Ps 139:15) |
Curious (arts) | 1 | recondite, occult (Acts 19:19) |
Custom | 22 | a habitual or usual practice (Judg 11:39) |
Custom | 5 | tribute, tax, toll (Matt 9:9; Matt 17:25; Mark 2:14; Luke 5:27; Rom 13:7) |
Dainty | 6 | pleasing to the palate, choice, delicate (Job 33:20; Prov 23:6; Rev 18:14) |
Dale | 2 | a valley (Gen 14:17; 2 Sam 18:18) |
Dam | 5 | a mother animal (Exod 22:30; Lev 22:27; Deut 22:6) |
Damned | 3 | condemned, judicially sentenced; undergoing eternal punishment (Mark 16:16; Rom 14:23; 2 Thess 2:12) |
Damnation | 12 | fact of being condemned (Matt 23:33; Rom 13:2) |
Damsel | 51 | a young unmarried woman or a girl (Gen 24:14; 1 Kgs 1:3) |
Dandle | 1 | to move a child lightly up and down in the arms or on the knee (Isa 66:12) |
Darling | 2 | dearly beloved, regarded with great kindness and tenderness (Ps 22:20; Ps 35:17) |
Dash | 14 | to strike against; to break in pieces by a violent stroke or collision, to smash (Exod 15:6; Isa 13:16; Luke 4:11) |
Daub | 9 | to coat or cover a wall with a layer of plaster, mortar, clay (Exod 2:3; Ezek 13:11) |
Daysman | 1 | a mediator, or arbitrator (Job 9:33) |
Dayspring | 2 | day break; sunrise (Job 38:12; Luke 1:78) |
Deal (verb) | 126 | to act towards any one, to treat in some specified way (Gen 16:6; Ps 103:10) |
Deal (noun) | 28 | a portion, share (Exod 29:40; Num 29:15) |
Dearth | 8 | a condition in which food is scarce and dear, a famine (Gen 41:54; 2 Kgs 4:38; Acts 7:11) |
Deceivableness | 1 | the capacity of deceiving, deceitfulness (2 Thess 2:10) |
Deck | 12 | to clothe in rich or ornamental garments; to array, adorn (Job 40:10; Prov 7:16; Jer 10:4) |
Decline | 11 | to turn or bend aside; to deviate from the straight course; to turn away (Exod 23:2; Deut 17:11; Ps 119:157) |
Delectable | 1 | delightful, highly pleasing; that gives great joy or pleasure (Isa 44:9) |
Deliciously | 2 | luxuriously, voluptuously, sumptuously (Rev 18:7; Rev 18:9) |
Delightsome | 1 | delightful (Mal 3:12) |
Deputed | 1 | to be appointed, ordained for a particular office or function (2 Sam 15:3) |
Deride | 3 | to mock in ridicule, scorn, or contempt (Hab 1:10; Luke 16:14) |
Describe | 5 | to mark off or distribute into parts; to map or parcel out (Josh 18:4; Josh 18:6; Josh 18:8; Josh 18:9) |
Describe | 3 | to write down; to set forth in words (Judg 8:14; Rom 4:6; Rom 10:5) |
Descry | 1 | spy out, describe, or discover (Judg 1:23) |
Despite(ful/fully) | 8 | contempt, scorn, disdain; contemptuous, insulting; contemptuously, with malicious cruelty or ill-will (Ezek 25:6; Heb 10:29; Ezek 25:15; Matt 5:44) |
Devotion | 1 | an object of religious worship (Acts 17:23) |
Diadem | 4 | a band of cloth, plain or adorned with jewels, worn round the head as a badge of royalty (Job 29:14; Isa 28:5; Ezek 21:26) |
Diet | 2 | daily allowance or provision of food (Jer 52:34) |
Disannul | 6 | to cancel, abolish, or nullify (Job 40:8; Isa 14:27; Gal 3:17) |
Discomfit | 9 | to defeat or overthrow completely in battle (Exod 17:13; Ps 18:14) |
Dispensation | 4 | the action of administering, ordering, or managing; the system by which things are administered (1 Cor 9:17; Eph 1:10; Eph 3:2; Col 1:25) |
Disputation | 2 | an argument, debate, discussion, or controversy (Acts 15:2; Rom 14:1) |
Disquiet(ness) | 8 | disturb, trouble, and make restless (1 Sam 28:15; Prov 30:21; Jer 50:34) |
Dissemble | 4 | to alter or disguise the semblance, so as to conceal, or deceive as to, its real nature; to disguise by a feigned appearance (Ps 26:4; Prov 26:24; Gal 2:13) |
Dissimulation | 2 | the action of dissembling; feigning, hypocrisy (Rom 12:9; Gal 2:13) |
Distil | 2 | to pass or flow gently; to trickle down or fall in minute drops (Deut 32:2; Job 36:28) |
Divers(e) | 45 | different, not of the same kind (Deut 22:9; Jas 1:2) |
Divination | 13 | foretelling future events; discovery of what is hidden or obscure by supernatural or magical means (Num 22:7; Deut 18:10) |
Doctor | 3 | teacher, instructor (Luke 2:46; Luke 5:17; Acts 5:34) |
Doleful | 2 | sorrowful, mournful, or grieved (Isa 13:21; Mic 2:4) |
Dote | 8 | to be silly, deranged, to act or talk foolishly (Jer 50:36; 1 Tim 6:4); to be infatuatedly fond of, to be foolishly in love (Ezek 23:5) |
Doth | 207 | 3rd person present indicative of verb “do” — does (Gen 3:5; Rev 19:11) |
Downsitting | 1 | sitting down (Ps 139:2) |
Dram | 6 | a unit of weight and monetary value, ancient Greek “drachma” (1 Chr 29:7; Ezra 2:69; Neh 7:70) |
Draught | 3/2 | a privy, bathroom, or sewer (2 Kgs 10:27; Matt 15:17; Mark 7:19); the act of drawing a net for fish (Luke 5:4; Luke 5:9) |
Dromedary | 4 | a one hump camel (1 Kgs 4:28; Est 8:10; Jer 2:23) |
Duke | 58 | a chief, commander, leader (Gen 36:15; 1 Chr 1:54) |
Dulcimer | 3 | a musical instrument (Dan 3:5; Dan 3:10; Dan 3:15) |
Dung | 28 | manure, excrement (Exod 29:14; Phil 3:8) |
Dure | 1 | to last, continue in existence (Matt 13:21) |
Durst | 9 | past tense of ”dare” — to have boldness or courage to do something (Est 7:5; Mark 12:34) |
Ear(ing/ed) | 3 | action of ploughing the ground (Gen 45:6; Exod 34:21; Deut 21:4) |
Earnest | 5/3 | serious, important, or zealous (Rom 8:19; 2 Cor 1:7; 2 Cor 8:16; Phil 1:20; Heb 2:1); a foretaste, pledge, of anything afterwards to be received in greater abundance (2 Cor 1:22; 2 Cor 5:5; Eph 1:14) |
Earnestly | 16 | in an earnest manner (Num 22:37; Jude 1:3) |
Effeminate | 1 | that has become like a woman, womanish, unmanly (1 Cor 6:9) |
Embolden | 2 | to make bold, encourage (Job 16:3; 1 Cor 8:10) |
Emerods | 8 | haemorrhoids (Deut 28:27; 1 Sam 5:6) |
Eminent | 4 | high, towering above surrounding objects (Ezek 16:24; Ezek 16:31; Ezek 16:39; Ezek 17:22) |
Emulation | 2 | a jealous rivalry (Rom 11:14; Gal 5:20) |
Endamage | 1 | to inflict damage or injury upon (Ezra 4:13) |
Endue | 5 | to invest a person, endow (Gen 30:20; 2 Chr 2:12; Luke 24:49) |
Engine | 2 | a machine or instrument used in warfare (2 Chr 26:15; Ezek 26:9) |
Engraft | 1 | to graft in; to insert (Jas 1:21) |
Enjoin | 4 | to prescribe authoritatively and with emphasis an action, or a course of conduct (Est 9:31; Phlm 1:8) |
Enlargement | 1 | release from confinement or bondage (Est 4:14) |
Ensample | 6 | an “example” in various senses (Phil 3:17; 2 Thess 3:9; 2 Pet 2:6) |
Ensign | 9 | a conventional sign, an emblem, a banner (Num 2:2; Isa 5:26; Zech 9:16) |
Ensue | 1 | to follow or seek after, strive to obtain; conform to; (1 Pet 3:11) |
Environ | 1 | to surround, encircle, encompass (Josh 7:9) |
Ephah | 39 | a dry measure, about 15 liters (Exod 16:36; Ezek 45:11) |
Ephod | 52 | a priestly vestment, without sleeves (Exod 39:2) |
Epistle | 16 | a written letter from an apostle (Acts 15:30) |
Ere | 10 | before something else, or before anything else is done (Exod 1:19; John 4:49) |
Eschew | 4 | to shun, avoid, abstain from (1 Pet 3:11) |
Espoused | 5 | to contract or betroth a woman) (2 Sam 3:14; Matt 1:18; Luke 1:27) |
Espy | 4 | to look steadily, watch; to act as a spy (Josh 14:7; Jer 48:19) |
Estate | 19 | state or condition in general; status, position in the world (1 Chr 17:17; Ezek 36:11; Mark 6:21; Jude 1:6) |
Euroclydon | 1 | a tempestuous north-easterly wind (Acts 27:14) |
Evilfavouredness | 1 | the quality or state of having an evil appearance or look, ugliness, deformity (Deut 17:1) |
Exchanger | 1 | a money-changer; banker (Matt 25:27) |
Execration | 2 | that which is execrated (i.e., declared accursed); an object of cursing (Jer 42:18; Jer 44:12) |
Fain | 2 | gladly, willingly, with pleasure (Job 27:22; Luke 15:16) |
Fairs | 6 | a periodical gatherings of buyers and sellers often with shows and entertainments, in a place and at a time ordained by charter or statute or by ancient custom (Ezek 27:12) |
Familiar | 3 | on a family footing; extremely friendly, intimately associated (Job 19:14; Ps 41:9; Jer 20:10) |
Familiar spirit | 16 | a demon supposed to be in association with or under the power of a man (Lev 19:31) |
Farthing | 4 | a fourth part of a penny; the Roman coin kodrantes or assarion (Matt 5:26; Matt 10:29; Mark 12:42) |
Fat | 130 | the oily concrete substance of which the fat parts of animal bodies are chiefly composed; any particular variety of this substance; the richest or most nourishing part of anything; the choicest produce of the earth; in well-fed condition (Gen 4:4; Deut 31:20; Deut 32:14) |
Fatness | 17 | of a tree: oiliness, juiciness; of the soil: unctuous nature, fertility, luxuriance (Gen 27:28; Rom 11:17) |
Fats | 2 | a vessels of large size for liquids, the vats in which grapes are trodden (Joel 2:24; Joel 3:13) |
Feebleminded | 1 | weak in mind; mind wanting in energy, force, or effect (1 Thess 5:14) |
Feign | 8 | to make oneself appear, put on an appearance of being, to pretend (2 Sam 14:2; 1 Kgs 14:5; Luke 20:20) |
Felloes | 1 | the curved pieces of wood which, joined together, form the circular rim of a wheel (1 Kgs 7:33) |
Fens | 1 | low land covered with shallow water, a marsh (Job 40:21) |
Fetters | 11 | a chain or shackle for the feet (Judg 16:21; Ps 105:18) |
Fillet | 9 | a strip of any material suitable for binding; an ornamental narrow band that goes around something (Exod 27:10; Jer 52:21) |
Firkin | 1 | a wooden vessel or cask, about 40 liters (John 2:6) |
Firmament | 17 | anything which strengthens or supports; the arch or vault of heaven overhead, in which the clouds and the stars appear; heaven, as the place where God dwells (Gen 1:6; Gen 1:15; Ps 150:2) |
Firstling | 20 | the first offspring of an animal (Gen 4:4; Exod 13:12; Deut 33:17) |
Fitches | 4 | the plant of Vicia genus (?), or its seed (Isa 28:25; Ezek 4:9) |
Flag | 4 | an aquatic plant like a reed or rush (Exod 2:3; Job 8:11) |
Flagon | 5 | a large bottle for holding wine or other liquors (2 Sam 6:19; 1 Chr 16:3) |
Flanks | 6 | the fleshy part of an animal between the ribs and the hip (Lev 3:4; Job 15:27) |
Flay | 4 | to strip or pull off the skin of (Lev 1:6; 2 Chr 29:34; Mic 3:3) |
Fleshhook | 7 | a prolonged three-tined meat fork used to get hot meat out of a pot (Exod 27:2; 1 Sam 2:13) |
Flowers | 2 | the menstrual discharge (Lev 15:24; Lev 15:33) |
(bloody) Flux | 1 | an abnormally copious flowing of blood (Acts 28:8) |
Forbear | 31 | to restrain oneself, refrain (Exod 23:5); to bear with, have patience with, put up with, tolerate (Prov 25:15; Col 3:13; 1 Thess 3:5) |
Foreship | 1 | the fore part of a ship (Acts 27:30) |
Forswear | 1 | to abandon or renounce on oath (Matt 5:33) |
Forthwith | 10 | immediately, at once, without delay (Ezra 6:8; Acts 21:30) |
Forum | 1 | the public place or market-place of a city (Acts 28:15) |
Forward | 3 | eager, zealous, ready, or inclined to do something (2 Cor 8:10; 2 Cor 8:17; Gal 2:10) |
Foursquare | 10 | having four equal sides, square (Exod 27:1; Rev 21:16) |
Frankly | 1 | generously, unconditionally (Luke 7:42) |
Fray | 3 | to frighten or scare away (Deut 28:26; Jer 7:32; Zech 1:21) |
Fret | 7 | to chafe, irritate, annoy, distress, vex, worry (Ps 37:1) |
Frontlets | 3 | something worn on the forehead (Exod 13:16; Deut 6:8; Deut 11:18) |
Froward(ness) | 25 | stubborn, perverse, difficult to deal with, evilly-disposed (Deut 32:20; 1 Pet 2:18) |
Furbish | 6 | to remove rust from; to brighten by rubbing, polish, burnish (Jer 46:4) |
Furlong | 5 | about 200 meters (Luke 24:13; John 6:19; Rev 14:20) |
Furniture | 8 | the harness, housings, trappings of a horse or other draught animal (Gen 31:34); accessories, appendages (Ex 31:7) |
Gaddest | 1 | 2nd person present indicative of verb “gad” — to go from one place to another with no serious object (Jer 2:36) |
Gainsay | 4 | to speak against, contradict, oppose, or hinder (Luke 21:15) |
Gallant | 1 | a general epithet of admiration or praise, excellent, splendid, grand (Isa 33:21) |
Garner | 4 | a storehouse for grain, barn (Ps 144:13; Matt 3:12; Luke 3:17) |
Gat | 20 | past tense of verb “got” (Gen 19:27; Ps 116:3) |
Gay | 1 | bright or lively-looking; finely or showily dressed (Jas 2:3) |
Gazingstock | 2 | the object of someone’s gaze or stare (Nah 3:6; Heb 10:33) |
Gender | 5 | to copulate (Lev 19:19); to produce, generate (Gal 4:24; 2 Tim 2:23) |
Gerah | 5 | a Hebrew coin and weight, the twentieth part of a shekel (Exod 30:13) |
Gin | 5 | a trap or snare (Job 18:9; Isa 8:14; Amos 3:5) |
Girdle | 44 | a belt worn round the waist to secure or confine the garments (Exod 28:4; Rev 1:13) |
(looking-)Glass | 5 | a mirror (Exod 38:8; Job 37:18; Isa 3:23; 2 Cor 3:18; Jas 1:23) |
Glede | 1 | a ravenous bird (Deut 14:13) |
Glistering | 2 | shining, sparkling, or glittering (1 Chr 29:2; Luke 9:29) |
Godhead | 3 | the Supreme Being, the Deity (Acts 17:29; Rom 1:20; Col 2:9) |
Goodman | 6 | the male head of the household (Prov 7:19; Matt 20:11; Mark 14:14) |
Greaves | 1 | armour for the leg below the knee (1 Sam 17:6) |
Grisled | 4 | having a coat in which the prevailing colour is thickly interspersed with some other; roan-coloured (Gen 31:10; Zech 6:3) |
Gross | 4 | dense, thick darkness (Isa 60:2; Jer 13:16) lacking in delicacy of perception, dull, stupid (Matt 13:15; Acts 28:27) |
Guile | 11 | insidious cunning, deceit, treachery (Exod 21:14; Rev 14:5) |
Habergeon | 5 | a sleeveless coat or jacket of mail or scale armor (Exod 28:32; Job 41:26) |
Haft | 1 | that of a cutting or piercing instrument, as a dagger (Judg 3:22) |
Hale | 2 | to draw or pull along, or from one place to another, esp. with force or violence; to drag (Luke 12:58; Acts 8:3) |
Hallow | 37 | to make holy, to sanctify, or set apart as sacred to God (Exod 28:38; Ezek 44:24); to honour as holy, to regard and treat with reverence or awe (Matt 6:9; Luke 11:2) |
Halt | 11 | to be lame, walk lame, limp (Gen 32:31; Ps 38:17; Mic 4:6; Matt 18:8); to walk unsteadily or hesitatingly (1 Kgs 18:21) |
Handmaid(en) | 57 | a female personal attendant or servant (Gen 16:1; Gen 33:6; Luke 1:38) |
Hap(ly) | 7 | an event or occurrence which befalls one; a chance, happening (Rth 2:3); by chance or accident (1 Sam 14:30; Mark 11:13) |
Hard | 9 | in close proximity, of time or place, near (Lev 3:9; Judg 9:52; 1 Sam 31:2; 2 Sam 1:6; 1 Kgs 21:1; 1 Chr 10:2; 1 Chr 19:4; Ps 63:8; Acts 18:7) |
Hardly | 8 | not easily, with difficulty (Matt 19:23; Mark 10:23); severely, rigorously, harshly (Gen 16:6) |
Hart | 11 | the male of the deer (Deut 12:15; Isa 35:6) |
Haunt | 3 | a place of usual abode, a habitation (1 Sam 23:22); to stay or remain usually (1 Sam 30:31; Ezek 26:17) |
Heady | 1 | impetuous, violent, passionate, headstrong (2 Tim 3:4) |
Heath | 2 | a name given to plants and shrubs found in open or waste places, some desert plant (Jer 17:6; Jer 48:6) |
Helve | 1 | a handle of a tool, as an axe (Deut 19:5) |
Hence | 30 | at a distance from here, away (Gen 37:17) |
Highminded | 3 | haughty, proud, or arrogant (Rom 11:20; 1 Tim 6:17; 2 Tim 3:4) |
Hin | 22 | measure of capacity for liquids, about 4.5 liters (Exod 30:24) |
Hind | 10 | the female of the deer (Gen 49:21; Prov 5:19; Jer 14:5) |
Hither | 67 | to or towards this place (Gen 15:16; Rev 21:9) |
Hitherto | 18 | up to this time, until now (Exod 7:16; John 5:17; 1 Cor 3:2) |
Hoar | 3 | grey, greyish white (1 Kgs 2:6; 1 Kgs 2:9; Isa 46:4) |
Hoar frost | 1 | crystalline white deposit of ice formed by the sublimation of water vapour, formed by the freezing of dew (Exod 16:14) |
Holden | 12 | passive participle of verb “hold” — held (Ps 18:35; Luke 24:16) |
Holpen | 5 | past tense of verb “help” — helped (Ps 86:17; Luke 1:54) |
Homer | 11 | measure of capacity, about 150 liters (Lev 27:16; Isa 5:10; Ezek 45:11) |
Hosanna | 6 | an exclamation, meaning “Save now!” or “Save, (I/we) pray!” (Matt 21:9; Mark 11:10; John 12:13) |
Hosen | 1 | articles of clothing for the legs (Dan 3:21) |
Hough | 4 | to disable by cutting the sinew or tendons of the hough (Josh 11:6) |
Howbeit | 64 | however it may be, be that as it may, nevertheless (Judg 4:17; Heb 3:16) |
Husbandry | 2 | the occupation of a husbandman or farmer; tillage or cultivation of the soil, including also the rearing of live stock and poultry (2 Chr 26:10; 1 Cor 3:9) |
Ignominy | 1 | dishonour, disgrace, or shame (Prov 18:3) |
Immutab(le/ility) | 2 | unchangeable (Heb 6:18); unchangeableness (Heb 6:17) |
Impenitent | 1 | not repentant, having no contrition or sorrow for sin (Rom 2:5) |
Imperious | 1 | exercising a commanding influence, ruling, dominant, overbearing (Ezek 16:30) |
Implacable | 1 | that cannot be appeased or mitigated, irreconcileable (Rom 1:31) |
Implead | 1 | to sue in a court of justice (Acts 19:38) |
Importunity | 1 | troublesome pertinacity in solicitation (Luke 11:8) |
Impotent | 4 | physically weak, without bodily strength, decrepit (John 5:3; John 5:7; Acts 4:9) |
Impudent | 3 | wanting in shame or modesty, shameless (Prov 7:13; Ezek 2:4; Ezek 3:7) |
Impute | 15 | to set to the credit of, to ascribe or reckon to; to attribute or ascribe to a person (Lev 7:18; Rom 4:8) |
Incontinen(t/cy) | 1 | wanting in self-restraint: chiefly with reference to sexual appetite (1 Cor 7:5; 2 Tim 3:3) |
Indite | 1 | to put into words, compose; to express or describe in a literary composition which is to be repeated or written down (Ps 45:1) |
Infam(y/ous) | 3 | evil fame or reputation, shame, or disgrace (Prov 25:10; Ezek 22:5; Ezek 36:3) |
Infidel | 2 | one who does not believe, an unbeliever (2 Cor 6:15; 1 Tim 5:8) |
Infolding | 1 | the action of the verb enfold — formerly to render involved or intricate; convolution (Ezek 1:4) |
Injurious | 1 | wilfully inflicting injury or wrong; tending to hurt or damage (1 Tim 1:13) |
Inkhorn | 3 | a small portable vessel for writing-ink (Ezek 9:2; Ezek 9:3; Ezek 9:11) |
Inquisition | 3 | A judicial or official investigation or inquiry for the purpose of finding out the truth (Deut 19:18; Est 2:23; Ps 9:12) |
Instant | 7/3 | immediate (Isa 29:5) ; pressing, urgent, importunate (Luke 23:23; Rom 12:12; 2 Tim 4:2) |
Issue | 49 | offspring, a child or children (Gen 48:6; Isa 22:24); to go or come out (Josh 8:22; 2 Kgs 20:18; Job 38:8; Isa 39:7; Ezek 47:1; Ezek 47:8; Ezek 47:12; Dan 7:10; Rev 9:17; Rev 9:18); the action of going, passing, or flowing out in reference to things immaterial (Ps 68:20; Prov 4:23); a discharge of blood or other matter from the body (Lev 12:7; Ezek 23:20; Luke 8:44) |
Jangling | 1 | wrangling, noisy altercation (1 Tim 1:6) |
Jewry | 3 | the land of the Jews, Judea (Dan 5:13; Luke 23:5; John 7:1) |
Jot | 1 | the least letter (of Hebrew alphabet) or written part of any writing (Matt 5:18) |
Kerchief | 2 | a cloth used to cover the head, a woman’s head-dress (Ezek 13:18; Ezek 13:21) |
Kernels | 1 | the seed contained within any fruit; a grape-stone (Num 6:4) |
Kine | 24 | old plural of noun “cow” — cows (Gen 32:15; Amos 4:1) |
Knop | 10 | a small rounded protuberance, a knob of an ornamental character (Exod 25:31; Exod 37:19) |
Know | 24 | to have carnal acquaintance or sexual intercourse (Gen 4:1,17,25; Gen 19:5,8; Gen 24:16; Gen 38:26; Num 31:17,18,35; Judg 11:39; Judg 19:22,25; Judg 21:11,12; 1 Sam 1:19; 1 Kgs 1:4; Matt 1:25; Luke 1:34) |
Lade | 14 | to load a vehicle or a beast of burden (Gen 45:17; 1 Kgs 12:11; Luke 11:46) |
Lance | 1 | a weapon, consisting of a long wooden shaft and an iron head (Jer 50:42) |
Lancets | 1 | a small lance (1 Kgs 18:28) |
Lapwing | 2 | a bird of plover family, or hoopoe (?) (Lev 11:19; Deut 14:18) |
Lasciviousness | 6 | inclination to lust, lewd; wantonness; lustfulness (Mark 7:22; 2 Cor 12:21; Gal 5:19) |
Latchet | 4 | a thong used to fasten a shoe; a shoe-lace (Mark 1:7; Luke 3:16; John 1:27) |
Laud | 1 | to praise, to sing or speak the praises of, as an act of worship (Rom 15:11) |
Laver | 20 | the large vessel for the ablutions of the priests (Exod 30:18; 2 Kgs 16:17) |
Leasing | 2 | lying, falsehood (Ps 4:2; Ps 5:6) |
Leaven(ed) | 37 | a substance which is added to dough to produce fermentation (Exod 12:15; Gal 5:9) |
Lees | 4 | the sediment deposited in the containing vessel from wine; dregs (Isa 25:6; Jer 48:11; Zeph 1:12) |
Legion | 4 | a body of infantry in the Roman army, ranging from 3,000 to 6,000 (Matt 26:53) |
Let | 3 | to hinder, prevent, obstruct, stand in the way of a person, thing, action (Isa 43:13; Rom 1:13; 2 Thess 2:7) |
Leviathan | 5 | some aquatic animal of enormous size (Job 41:1; Ps 104:26) |
Libertines | 1 | the name meaning: a freedmen; men released from slavery (Acts 6:9) |
Licence | 2 | liberty to do something, permission (Acts 21:40; Acts 25:16) |
Lieutenant | 4 | one who takes the place of another; usually an officer civil or military who acts for a superior; a representative (Ezra 8:36; Est 3:12) |
Lign aloes | 1 | an aromatic wood (Num 24:6) |
Liking | 2 | in a specified condition: good liking (Job 39:4), worse liking (Dan 1:10) |
List | 4 | to be pleasing to (Matt 17:12; Mark 9:13; John 3:8; Jas 3:4) |
Litter | 1 | a vehicle containing a couch shut in by curtains, and carried on men’s shoulders or by beasts of burden (Isa 66:20) |
Lively | 5 | full of life, vigorous, energetic (Exod 1:19; Ps 38:19); possessed of life, living (Acts 7:38; 1 Pet 1:3; 1 Pet 2:5) |
Lordly | 1 | magnificent, noble, or grand (Judg 5:25) |
Lowring | 1 | to have a dark or gloomy appearance (Matt 16:3) |
Lucre | 6 | gain or profit viewed as a low motive for action (1 Sam 8:3; 1 Tim 3:3; Titus 1:7) |
Lunatick | 2 | affected with the kind of insanity that was supposed to have recurring periods dependent on the changes of the moon (Matt 4:24; Matt 17:15) |
Lusty | 1 | healthy, strong, vigorous (Judg 3:29) |
Magnifical | 1 | splendid, stately, sumptuous, magnificent (1 Chr 22:5) |
(coat of) Mail | 2 | armour composed of interlaced rings or chain-work or of overlapping plates (1 Sam 17:5; 1 Sam 17:38) |
Malefactor | 4 | one guilty of a heinous offence against the law, a felon, a criminal (Luke 23:32; John 18:30) |
Malignity | 1 | wicked and deep-rooted ill-will or hatred (Rom 1:29) |
Mallow | 1 | a common wild plant (Malva genus ?) (Job 30:4) |
Mammon | 4 | the Aramaic word for “riches” (Matt 6:24; Luke 16:9) |
Mandrake | 6 | a plant of the Mandragora genus (Gen 30:14; Song 7:13) |
Mantle | 14 | a loose sleeveless cloak (Judg 4:18; Ps 109:29) |
Maran-atha | 1 | the Aramaic phrase “our Lord come / is coming” (1 Cor 16:22) |
Marishes | 1 | marshes (Ezek 47:11) |
Matrix | 5 | the uterus or womb (Exod 13:12; Num 3:12) |
Maul | 1 | a massive hammer (Prov 25:18) |
Maw | 1 | the stomach (Deut 18:3) |
Mean | 5 | inferior in rank, of low degree; undistinguished in position, unimportant (Prov 22:29; Isa 2:9; Isa 5:15; Isa 31:8; Acts 21:39) |
Meat | 298 | food of any kind (Gen 1:29; Gen 1:30; John 4:34) |
Meet | 26 | proper, fitting, suitable (Gen 2:18; Exod 8:26; Deut 3:18; Judg 5:30; Ezra 4:14; Est 2:9; Job 34:31; Prov 11:24; Jer 26:14; Jer 27:5; Ezek 15:4; Ezek 15:5; Matt 3:8; Matt 15:26; Mark 7:27; Luke 15:32; Acts 26:20; Rom 1:27; 1 Cor 15:9; 1 Cor 16:4; Phil 1:7; Col 1:12; 2 Thess 1:3; 2 Tim 2:21; Heb 6:7; 2 Pet 1:13) |
Mess | 3 | a portion of food, a prepared dish (Gen 43:34; 2 Sam 11:8) |
Messia(h/s) | 2/2 | the anointed one (Dan 9:25; Dan 9:26; John 1:41; John 4:25) |
Mete | 9 | to determine the dimensions or quantity of, to measure (Exod 16:18; Ps 60:6; Matt 7:2) |
Meteyard | 1 | a measuring rod, a standard of measurement or estimation (Lev 19:35) |
Milch | 3 | giving milk (Gen 32:15; 1 Sam 6:7; 1 Sam 6:10) |
Mincing | 1 | walking, or behaving, in an affectedly dainty or nice manner (Isa 3:16) |
Minish | 2 | to make fewer in number or less in size (Exod 5:19; Ps 107:39) |
Mite | 3 | a copper coin of very small value; the smallest piece of money in circulation (1/128 of a denarius) (Mark 12:42; Luke 12:59; Luke 21:2) |
Mitre | 13 | the ceremonial turban / head-dress of the high priest (Exod 28:4; Zech 3:5) |
Mollified | 1 | softened, rendered soft or supple (Isa 1:6) |
Morrow | 102/1 | the next day after the present (Gen 19:34; Jas 4:14); the next morning (Zeph 3:3) |
Mortify | 2 | to bring into subjection the body, its appetites and passions; to kill, put to death, to make as if dead (Rom 8:13; Col 3:5) |
Mote | 6 | a particle of dust; an irritating particle in the eye (Matt 7:3; Matt 7:4; Luke 6:42) |
Muffler | 1 | a sort of kerchief or scarf worn by women to cover part of the face and the neck (Isa 3:19) |
Munition | 3 | a fortification, defensive structure (Isa 29:7; Nah 2:1) |
Murrain | 1 | plague, pestilence, disease in cattle (Exod 9:3) |
Napkin | 3 | a (pocket-)handkerchief (Luke 19:20; John 11:44; John 20:7) |
Nativity | 7 | birth, in ordinary contexts (Gen 11:28; Rth 2:11; Jer 46:16) |
Naught | 3 | bad in condition or quality; not good for eating or drinking (2 Kgs 2:19; Prov 20:14) |
Naves | 1 | the central part of a wheel, the hub (1 Kgs 7:33) |
Nay | 55 | a word used to express negation, denial, or refusal, in answer to some statement, question, command, etc.; no (Gen 18:15; Jas 5:12) |
Necromancer | 1 | one who claims to carry on communication with the dead (Deut 18:11) |
Neesing | 1 | to sneezing (Job 41:18) |
Nephew | 4 | a grandson or descendant (Judg 12:14; Job 18:19; Isa 14:22) |
Nether(most) | 15/1 | lower, under (in contrast to higher, over, or upper) (Exod 19:17; Ezek 32:24); lowest, undermost, furthest down (1 Kgs 6:6) |
Nigh | 100 | near; not distant in place or time (Gen 47:29; Jas 5:8) |
Nitre | 2 | native sodium carbonate (Prov 25:20; Jer 2:22) |
Noise | 4 | to report, rumour, spread abroad (Josh 6:27; Mark 2:1; Luke 1:65; Acts 2:6) |
Noisome | 4 | harmful, injurious (Ps 91:3; Ezek 14:15; Rev 16:2) |
Nought | 36 | nothing (Gen 29:15; Rev 18:17) |
(make) Obeisance | 9 | a bodily act expressive of submission or respect, almost always, a bending or prostration of the body (Gen 37:7; Exod 18:7; 2 Chr 24:17) |
Oblation | 40 | that which is offered or presented to God (Lev 2:4; Dan 9:27) |
Occupation | 5 | a particular action in which one is engaged habitually or statedly, an employment, business (Gen 46:33; Acts 19:25) |
Occupy | 10/1 | to employ money in trading, trade with (Ezek 27:9; Luke 19:13); to be in or at a place (1 Cor 14:16) |
Occurrent | 1 | something that occurs, an event (1 Kgs 5:4) |
Odious | 2 | deserving of hatred or repugnance (1 Chr 19:6; Prov 30:23) |
Offend(er) | 50/3 | to sin against, to wrong a person, to violate or transgress a law (Gen 20:9; Gen 40:1; Acts 25:8); to cause spiritual or moral difficulty, to shock, to cause to stumble or sin (Matt 5:30; Matt 18:8; Mark 9:42); to be spiritually or morally shocked (Matt 11:6); one who offends, who transgresses a law, or infringes a rule or regulation (1 Kgs 1:21; Isa 29:21; Acts 25:11) |
Oft | 13 | often (2 Kgs 4:8; Job 21:17; Heb 6:7) |
Omer | 6 | a measure of capacity, about 1.5 liters (Exod 16:16) |
Omnipotent | 1 | almighty, infinite in power (Rev 19:6) |
Oracle | 1/20/4 | a response, decision, or message (2 Sam 16:23); that part of the Jewish Temple where the divine presence was manifested (1 Kgs 6:19; Ps 28:2); divine revelation, a declaration or message expressed or delivered by divine inspiration, also the sacred scriptures (Acts 7:38; Rom 3:2; Heb 5:12; 1 Pet 4:11) |
Oration | 1 | a formal speech delivered in elevated and dignified language (Acts 12:21) |
Ordain | 41 | to appoint authoritatively as a thing to be observed; to decree, to enact; to order, command, bid; to appoint to a charge, duty, or office (Num 28:6; 1 Chr 9:22; Mark 3:14; 1 Cor 7:17) |
Ossifrage | 2 | a large bird — bearded vulture (Lev 11:13; Deut 14:12) |
Ouches | 8 | the settings of a precious stone (Exod 28:11) |
Outgoings | 8 | the extremity, the outer limit (Josh 17:9; Ps 65:8) |
Outlandish | 1 | of or belonging to a foreign country, not native (Neh 13:26) |
Painfulness | 1 | the quality of causing trouble or labour; difficulty (2 Cor 11:27) |
Palsy | 14 | paralysis (Matt 4:24; Acts 9:33) |
Pangs | 9 | a brief keen spasms of pain which appears suddenly to pierce through the body; a shooting pains of childbirth (Isa 13:8; Isa 21:3; Mic 4:9) |
Paps | 4 | a teat or nipple of a woman’s breast or the corresponding part of a man (Ezek 23:21; Luke 11:27; Rev 1:13) |
Paramours | 1 | an illicit lover or mistress taking the place, but without the rights, of a husband or wife (Ezek 23:20) |
Pate | 1 | the head, that part which is covered with hair, the skull (Ps 7:16) |
Patrimony | 1 | property or an estate inherited from father or ancestors, heritage (Deut 18:8) |
Peculiar | 7 | a property or privilege exclusively one’s own; unlike others, singular, uncommon (Exod 19:5; Titus 2:14; 1 Pet 2:9) |
Pentecost | 3 | a name of Hellenistic origin for the Jewish harvest festival, called the Feast of Weeks, observed at the conclusion of seven weeks from the second day of the Passover (Acts 2:1; 1 Cor 16:8) |
Penury | 2 | the condition of being destitute in the necessaries of life, poverty (Prov 14:23; Luke 21:4) |
Peradventure | 32 | perchance, haply, maybe, perhaps (Gen 18:24; 1 Kgs 18:27; Rom 5:7) |
Perdition | 8 | the condition of final spiritual ruin or damnation, the fate of those in hell, eternal death (John 17:12; Rev 17:11) |
Pernicious | 1 | tending to destroy, kill (2 Pet 2:2) |
Phylactery | 1 | a small leathern box containing four texts of Scripture, Deut 6:4–9; Deut 11:13–21; Exod 13:1–10; and Exod 13:11–16; written in Hebrew letters on vellum and worn by Jews during morning prayer (Matt 23:5) |
Pilled | 2 | stripped of bark (Gen 30:37; Gen 30:38) |
Plaiting | 1 | braiding or intertwining hair (1 Pet 3:3) |
Plat | 1 | a piece or area of ground (1 Kgs 9:26) |
Platted | 3 | past tense of verb “plat” — to intertwine, intertwist, to plait (Matt 27:29; Mark 15:17; John 19:2) |
Poll | 7 | a person or individual in a number or list, head; “by (the) poll” = by counting of heads (Num 1:2,18,20,22; Num 3:47; 1 Chr 23:3,24) |
Poll | 5 | to cut short the hair (2 Sam 14:26; Ezek 44:20; Mic 1:16) |
Pommels | 3 | a spherical ornament placed on the summit of a pillar (2 Chr 4:12; 2 Chr 4:13) |
Port | 1 | a gate or gateway (Neh 2:13) |
Post | 47/6 | a door-post or gate-post (Exod 12:7; Ezek 40:9); a courier, a letter-carrier (2 Chr 30:6; 2 Chr 30:10; Est 3:13; Est 3:15; Job 9:25; Jer 51:31) |
Potentate | 1 | q person endowed with independent power, a monarch, ruler (1 Tim 6:15) |
Potsherd | 5 | a fragment of a broken earthenware pot (Job 2:8; Ps 22:15; Isa 45:9) |
Pottage | 7 | a dish composed of vegetables alone, or along with meat, boiled and seasoned, a thick soup (Gen 25:29; Hag 2:12) |
Pound | 15 | a measure of weight, about 0.5 kilograms (1 Kgs 10:17; John 19:39) |
Prating | 3 | idle chatter; mischievous talking (Prov 10:8; Prov 10:10; 3 John 1:10) |
Presbytery | 1 | an assembly of elders (1 Tim 4:14) |
Presently | 5 | at the very time, without any delay, immediately; on the spot (1 Sam 2:16; Prov 12:16; Matt 26:53) |
Press | 5/5/3 | an apparatus for extracting the juice (Neh 13:15; Joel 3:13); crowd, a multitude (Mark 2:4; Mark 5:27; Mark 5:30; Luke 8:19; Luke 19:3); to strive, try hard, attempt to do something (Luke 8:45; Luke 16:16; Phil 3:14) |
Prevent | 17 | to act before; to come, arrive, or appear before, to precede (2 Sam 22:6; Ps 119:147; 1 Thess 4:15) |
Prey | 73 | that which is taken in war or violence, booty (Num 31:12; Num 31:26; Zeph 3:8); that which one brings away or saves from any contest (Jer 21:9); an animal killed carnivorous animals for food (Ps 17:12) |
Prick | 3 | a thorn or prickle (Num 33:55); goads for driving cattle (Acts 9:5; Acts 26:14) |
Privily | 15 | not openly or publicly; secretly, privately, stealthily (Judg 9:31; Matt 1:19; Gal 2:4) |
Privy | 4 | intimate, private (Deut 23:1; Ezek 21:14); participating in the knowledge of something secret or private (1 Kgs 2:44; Acts 5:2) |
Profane | 37/14 | to treat, what is sacred, with irreverence, contempt, or disregard (Lev 18:21; Matt 12:5; Ps 89:39); regarded as unholy, ritually unclean or polluted; heathen, pagan (Lev 21:7; Jer 23:11; Ezek 21:25; 1 Tim 1:9; Heb 12:16) |
Progenitor | 1 | ancestor or forefather (Gen 49:26) |
Prognosticators | 1 | one who pretends to a knowledge of the future (Isa 47:13) |
Proselyte | 4 | one who has come over from one opinion or party to another; a convert; a Gentile convert to the Jewish faith (Matt 23:15; Acts 2:10; Acts 6:5; Acts 13:43) |
Prove | 42 | to make trial of, put to the test, to try (Exod 16:4; Ps 17:3; John 6:6; 1 Tim 3:10; Heb 3:9) |
Provender | 7 | dry food, as corn or hay, for animals (Gen 24:25; Isa 30:24) |
Psaltery | 27 | a stringed instrument (1 Sam 10:5; Dan 3:15) |
Publican | 23 | one who farmed the public taxes, toll, tribute, customs; a tax-gatherer (Matt 10:3; Matt 18:17; Luke 5:27) |
Pulse | 3 | the edible seeds of plants cultivated for food, as peas, beans, lentils (2 Sam 17:28; Dan 1:12 Dan 1:16) |
Purloining | 1 | pilfering, stealing (Titus 2:10) |
Purtenance | 1 | the intestines of an animal (Exod 12:9) |
Putrifying | 1 | becoming putrid or gangrenous, festering (Isa 1:6) |
Pygarg | 1 | a kind of antelope (addax ?) (Deut 14:5) |
Quarter | 17 | the region lying about or under one of the four principal points of the compass (Gen 19:4; Isa 47:15; Mark 1:45) |
Quaternion | 1 | a group of four persons (Acts 12:4) |
Quick | 10 | in a live state, living (Lev 13:10; 1 Pet 4:5) |
Quicken | 26 | to give or restore life, to make alive (Ps 71:20; Rom 8:11; 1 Pet 3:18) |
Quit | 3/2 | to be cleared (an accused person) from a charge, to be released (Exod 21:19; Exod 21:28; Josh 2:20); to behave (1 Sam 4:9; 1 Cor 16:13) |
Rail(ing) | 10 | to utter abusive language against somebody, insult (1 Sam 25:14; Mark 15:29; Luke 23:29; 1 Pet 3:9) |
Raiment | 57 | clothing, dress, or apparel (Gen 24:53; Rev 4:4) |
Rampart | 2 | a mound of earth raised for the defence of a place (Lam 2:8; Nah 3:8) |
Rang (again) | 2 | to resound, re-echo, with some sound or noise (1 Sam 4:5; 1 Kgs 1:45) |
Ranging | 1 | roving, wandering (Prov 28:15) |
Rank | 2/8 | full, large in size (Gen 41:5; Gen 41:7); a row, line, or series of things, or of persons (Num 2:16; Num 2:24; 1 Kgs 7:4; 1 Chr 12:33; Joel 2:7; Mark 6:40) |
Rase | 2 | to demolish, to level with the ground (Ps 137:7) |
Ravening | 5 | rapacious, voracious (Ezek 22:25; Luke 11:39) |
Ravin | 2 | to prowl ravenously, to go about in search of food (Gen 49:27); that which is taken, spoil, prey (Nah 2:12) |
Rear (up) | 14 | to construct by building up (Exod 26:30; Lev 26:1; 2 Sam 24:18; John 2:20) |
Redound | 1 | to be plentiful, abound (2 Cor 4:15) |
Rehearse | 6 | to recite aloud in a formal manner; to repeat, say over again, (Exod 17:14; Acts 14:27) |
Reins | 15 | the kidneys — in Biblical use: the seat of the feelings or affections (Job 16:13; Rev 2:23) |
Rend | 19 | to tear or pull apart (Exod 39:23; John 19:24) |
Reprobate | 7 | rejected or condemned as worthless (Jer 6:30); Depraved, degraded, morally corrupt (Rom 1:28; 2 Tim 3:8; Titus 1:16) |
Requite | 12 | to repay, make retaliation for, to avenge (Gen 50:15; 1 Tim 5:4); to give or do in return (1 Tim 5:4) |
Rereward | 6 | situated in the rear; that part of an army which is stationed behind the main body (Num 10:25; Josh 6:9; 1 Sam 29:2) |
Respite | 2 | temporary cessation of labour, suffering, war (Exod 8:15; 1 Sam 11:3) |
Revellings | 2 | riotous or disorderly merry-making or festivity; indulging in festivities (Gal 5:21; 1 Pet 4:3) |
Rifled | 1 | plundered, pillaged, ransacked (Zech 14:2) |
Ringstraked | 7 | having bands of colour round the body (Gen 30:35; Gen 31:12) |
Riot | 3 | a noisy feast or wanton revel (Titus 1:6; 1 Pet 4:4; 2 Pet 2:13) |
Riotous | 3 | given to wantonness, revelry, or dissolute life (Prov 23:20; Prov 28:7; Luke 15:13) |
Rising | 7 | a morbid swelling; elevated above the surrounding level (Lev 13:2,10,19,28,43; Lev 14:56) |
Road | 1 | riding with hostile intent against a person or district (1 Sam 27:10) |
Rude | 1 | lacking experience or skill (2 Cor 11:6) |
Rudiments | 2 | first principles; those parts which are the foundation of later growth, an initial form (Col 2:8; Col 2:20) |
Rue | 1 | a perennial evergreen shrub (Ruta genus) (Luke 11:42) |
Sackbut | 4 | a musical instrument (Dan 3:5,7,10,15) |
Sacrilege | 1 | the crime of stealing or misappropriating what is consecrated to God’s service (Rom 2:22) |
Satiate | 3 | to fill, satisfy, to gratify to the full a person or his desires (Jer 31:14; Jer 31:25; Jer 46:10) |
Satyr | 2 | a hairy demon or monster (Isa 13:21; Isa 34:14) |
Save | 46 | except, with the exception of, but (Deut 15:4; Josh 11:13; 1 Kgs 3:18; Ps 18:31; Matt 11:27; John 6:22; Rev 13:17) |
Savour | 53/2/2 | the smell of sacrifices and incense regarded as pleasing to God (Gen 8:21; Exod 5:21); quality in relation to the sense of taste (Matt 5:13; Luke 14:34); to perceive, apprehend (Matt 16:23; Mark 8:33) |
Scall | 14 | a scaly or scabby disease of the skin (Lev 13:30; Lev 14:54) |
Scant | 1 | of a quantity of anything: limited, stinted, not full (Mic 6:10) |
Scrabbled | 1 | to make marks at random, to scrawl (1 Sam 21:13) |
Scrip | 7 | a small bag or satchel carried by a pilgrim, a shepherd, or a beggar (1 Sam 17:40; Luke 22:36) |
Seemly | 2 | suitable to the person, appropriate (Prov 19:10; Prov 26:1) |
Seethe | 9 | to boil or cook by boiling (Exod 16:23; Zech 14:21) |
Selvedge | 2 | the edge of woven fabric (Exod 26:4; Exod 36:11) |
Sepulchre | 70 | a tomb, grave, or burial place (Gen 23:6; Rom 3:13) |
Servile (work) | 12 | (work) befitting a slave, unworthy of a free man (Lev 23:7; Num 29:35) |
Servitor | 1 | a male personal servant, chiefly, one who waits at table (2 Kgs 4:43) |
Settle | 12/6 | to fix or establish permanently, to set firmly (1 Chr 17:14; Ps 119:89; Prov 8:25; Luke 21:14); a ledge, raised platform (Ezek 43:14,17,20; Ezek 45:19) |
Severally | 1 | separately, individually (1 Cor 12:11) |
Shamble | 1 | a place where meat is sold (1 Cor 10:25) |
Shamefacedness | 1 | modesty, bashfulness, shyness (1 Tim 2:9) |
Share | 1 | the iron blade in a plough, a ploughshare (1 Sam 13:20) |
Shekel | 139 | an ancient unit of weight, about 11.5 grams; a coin of this weight, the chief silver coin of the Hebrews (Gen 23:15; Exod 38:24; Amos 8:5) |
Sherd | 2 | a piece of broken pottery (Isa 30:14; Ezek 23:34) |
Shittim, shittah | 29 | acacia wood (Exod 25:5; Deut 10:3; Isa 41:19) |
(to) Shivers | 1 | into small fragments (Rev 2:27) |
Shod | 4 | past tense of verb “shoe” — put shoes on (2 Chr 28:15; Ezek 16:10; Mark 6:9; Eph 6:15) |
Shroud | 1 | shadow, shade (Ezek 31:3) |
Silly | 3 | lacking in judgement or common sense, foolish, senseless, empty-headed (Job 5:2; Hos 7:11; 2 Tim 3:6) |
Silverling | 1 | a silver coin, see: shekel (Isa 7:23) |
Similitude | 12 | the form, likeness, or image of some person or thing (Num 12:8; Jas 3:9) |
Simple | 20 | deficient in knowledge or learning, lacking in ordinary sense or intelligence, easily misled (Ps 19:7; Prov 1:4; Rom 16:19) |
Sith | 1 | seeing that, since (Ezek 35:6) |
Sixscore | 2 | one hundred and twenty (1 Kgs 9:14; Jonah 4:11) |
Sleight | 1 | craft or cunning employed so as to deceive, subtle or wily dealing (Eph 4:14) |
Slime | 2 | bitumen, a kind of mineral pitch, the same as asphalt (Gen 11:3; Exod 2:3) |
Sluice | 1 | a dam or embankment for water (Isa 19:10) |
Snuff | 2 | to draw air into the nostrils (Jer 14:6); to express scorn, disdain, or contempt by snuffing (Mal 1:13) |
Sod | 2 | past tense of verb “seethe” — boiled, cooked (Gen 25:29; 2 Chr 35:13) |
Sodering | 1 | the action of joining with solder, soldering (Isa 41:7) |
Sojourn(er/ing) | 59 | to make a temporary stay in a place; to reside for a time (Gen 12:10; Gen 23:4; Exod 12:40; Heb 11:9) |
Solace | 1 | to cheer, comfort, entertain (Prov 7:18) |
Soothsay(er/ing) | 9 | one who claims to foretell future events (Josh 13:22; Isa 2:6; Dan 2:27; Acts 16:16) |
Sop | 4 | bread dipped in liquid before being eaten (John 13:26) |
Sottish | 1 | foolish, stupid (Jer 4:22) |
Spring | 2 | dawn, rise, beginning (Judg 19:25; 1 Sam 9:26) |
Stanched | 1 | to stop the flow of (Luke 8:44) |
Stay | 4/4/1 | a thing or a person that affords support (2 Sam 22:19; Ps 18:18; Isa 3:1; Isa 19:13); to rely or build upon, have confidence in (Isa 30:12; Isa 31:1; Isa 48:2; Isa 50:10); to prevent, stop from doing something (Dan 4:35) |
(in…) Stead | 95 | instead of (Gen 22:13; Gen 30:2; Phil 1:13); as his deputy or representative (2 Cor 5:20) |
Stomacher | 1 | an ornamental covering for the chest, often covered with jewels, worn by women (Isa 3:24) |
Straightway | 42 | immediately, without interval or delay (1 Sam 9:13; Jas 1:24) |
Strait | 4/2/4 | (1 Sam 13:6; 2 Sam 24:14; 1 Chr 21:13; Phil 1:23); having little breadth, narrow (2 Kgs 6:1; Job 36:16); so narrow as to make transit difficult (Matt 7:13; Luke 13:24) |
Strakes | 2 | a stripes of different colour from the rest of the surface of which it forms part (Gen 30:37; Lev 14:37) |
Strake | 1 | a reef in a sail (Acts 27:17) |
Straw | 5 | to scatter, spread loosely over the surface of something (Exod 32:20; Matt 21:8; Matt 25:24; Matt 25:26; Mark 11:8) |
Stripling | 1 | a youth, one just passing from boyhood to manhood (1 Sam 17:56) |
Suborn | 1 | to bribe a person to make accusations and give false testimony (Acts 6:11) |
Subtil(ty) | 3/1/8 | crafty, artful, sly, cunning (Gen 3:1; 2 Sam 13:3; Prov 7:10); acuteness, penetration, perspicacity (Prov 1:4); cunning, craftiness, guile (Matt 26:4; 2Cor 11:3) |
Succour(er) | 6 | to help, aid, assist (2 Sam 8:5; 2 Sam 18:3; Rom 16:2; Heb 2:18) |
Suffer | 51 | to allow, permit, tolerate (Gen 20:6; Exod 12:23; Matt 19:14; Rev 11:9) |
(in) Sunder | 7 | Into separate parts or pieces (Ps 46:9; Isa 27:9; Luke 12:46) |
Sundry | 1 | diverse, manifold (Heb 1:1) |
Sup | 1/3 | to swallow up, consume, absorb (?) (Hab 1:9); to eat supper (Luke 17:8; 1 Cor 11:25; Rev 3:20) |
Superflu(ous/ity) | 2/1/1 | exceeding what is right, normal, or usual (Lev 21:18; Lev 22:23); that is not needed or required, unnecessary (2 Cor 9:1); excessive quantity or number (Jas 1:21) |
Supple | 1 | to make skin supple or flexible, to soften (Ezek 16:4) |
Suppliants | 1 | one who supplicates, a humble petitioner (Zeph 3:10) |
Surfeiting | 1 | excessive taking of food or drink, gluttonous indulgence in eating or drinking (Luke 21:34) |
Surmising | 1 | the framing of conjectures, suspicion (1 Tim 6:4) |
Swaddle | 2 | to bind in swaddling-clothes (Lam 2:22; Ezek 16:4) |
Swaddling | 2 | wrapping in swaddling-clothes (Luke 2:7; Luke 2:12) |
Tabering | 1 | striking lightly and frequently (Nah 2:7) |
Tabernacle | 358 | a temporary dwelling, generally movable, constructed of branches, boards, or canvas, tent, booth (Exod 39:32; Matt 17:4) |
Table | 34 | a tablet bearing or intended for an inscription (Exod 24:12; Prov 3:3; Luke 1:63; 2 Cor 3:3; Heb 9:4) |
Tablets | 3 | an ornament of precious metal or jewellery of a flat form (Exod 35:22; Num 31:50; Isa 3:20) |
Taches | 10 | a contrivance for fastening two parts together, a clasp, a buckle, a hook and eye (Exod 26:6; Exod 39:33) |
Tale | 4/3 | the number or amount made up (Exod 5:8; Exod 5:18; 1 Sam 18:27; 1 Chr 9:28); that which one tells, idle or mischievous gossip (Ps 90:9; Ezek 22:9; Luke 24:11) |
Talent | 65 | an ancient weight (of gold, silver, etc.) and a money of account (Exod 25:39; Matt 18:24) |
Tare | 8 | the name of an injurious weed among corn (Matt 13:25,26,27,29,30,36,38,40) |
Target | 6 | a small shield or buckler (1 Sam 17:6; 1 Kgs 10:16; 2 Chr 9:15; 2 Chr 14:8) |
Teats | 3 | the breasts (Isa 32:12; Ezek 23:3; Ezek 23:21) |
Teil | 1 | a species of tree (linden, terebinth ?) (Isa 6:13) |
Tell | 3 | to mention or name one by one; to count, reckon, or name numerically (Gen 15:5; Ps 22:17; Ps 48:12) |
Tempt(ing) | 46 | to try, make trial of, put to the test (Gen 22:1; Matt 4:7) |
Teraphim | 6 | a kind of idols or images, household gods; an object of reverence and means of divination (Judg 17:5; Judg 18:14; Hos 3:4) |
Terrestrial | 2 | of or pertaining to earth as opposed to heaven (1 Cor 15:40) |
Tetrarch | 7 | the ruler of one of four divisions of a country; applied to subordinate rulers (Matt 14:1; Luke 3:1; Acts 13:1) |
Thee | 3827 | second person singular pronoun (objective case) — you (Gen 3:11; Rev 21:9) |
(from) Thence | 145 | from that place, from there (Gen 2:10; 2 Cor 2:13) |
Thine | 937 | second person singular pronoun (genitive or possessive case) — your (Gen 13:14; Rev 3:18) |
Thither | 95 | to or towards that place (Gen 19:20; Acts 25:4) |
Thou | 5474 | second person singular pronoun (nominative case) — you (Gen 2:16; Rev 22:9) |
(take) Thought | 10 | to trouble oneself, grieve, be anxious or distressed (Matt 6:25,27,28,31,34; Matt 10:19; Luke 12:11,22,25,26) |
Thrice | 15 | three times as much as (in number, amount, or value) (Exod 34:23; 2 Cor 12:8) |
Thy | 4603 | second person singular pronoun (genitive case) — your (Gen 3:10; Rev 22:9) |
Thyine | 1 | an aromatic tree and its wood (citron tree ?) (Rev 18:12) |
Timbrel | 10 | a musical instrument of percussion that could be held up in the hand (Exod 15:20; Job 21:12; Ps 81:2) |
Tire | 1/3 | to dress the hair or head (2 Kgs 9:30); a covering, dress, or ornament for a woman’s head (Isa 3:18; Ezek 24:17; Ezek 24:23) |
Tithe | 39/1 | the tenth part of the annual produce of agriculture (Deut 14:20; Heb 7:9); to grant or pay one tenth (Luke 11:42) |
Tittle | 2 | the smallest point of that which was written (Matt 5:18; Luke 16:17) |
Tow | 3 | the shorter fibres of flax or hemp, which are separated by heckling from the fine and long-stapled, hards (Judg 16:9; Isa 1:31; Isa 43:17) |
Traffick | 5 | the buying and selling or exchange of goods for profit, bargaining, trade (Gen 42:34; 1 Kgs 10:15; Ezek 17:4) |
Translate | 2/2 | to convey from one place or condition to another (2 Sam 3:10; Col 1:13); to carry to heaven without death (Heb 11:5) |
Travail | 31/16 | the labour and pain of child-birth / to suffer the pains of childbirth (Gen 35:16; John 16:21); labour or toil, especially of a painful or oppressive nature / to exert oneself, labour, toil, work hard (Exod 18:8; 1 Thess 2:9) |
Trespass(ing) | 111 | a transgression, a breach of law or duty, an offence, sin; to commit a transgression or offence (Gen 31:16; Deut 32:51; Matt 18:15) |
Trow | 1 | to believe, think, be of opinion, suppose (Luke 17:9) |
Turtle(dove) | 15 | a dove (Turtur genus) (Gen 15:9; Lev 12:8; Song 2:12; Jer 8:7; Luke 2:24) |
Twain | 17 | two (1 Sam 18:21; Eph 2:15) |
Twined | 21 | that has been twined, in various senses: twisted, plaited, curled, coiled, wreathed (Exod 26:1; Exod 39:29) |
Unawares | 5/5/2 | without being aware, unconsciously; unintentionally (Num 35:11; Heb 13:2); without being noticed; unobserved (Gen 31:20; Jude 1:4); unexpectedly, suddenly (Ps 35:8; Luke 21:34) |
Unction | 1 | anointing; a spiritual influence acting upon a person (1 John 2:20) |
Untoward | 1 | difficult to manage or control, intractable, unruly, perverse (Acts 2:40) |
Upbraid | 3 | reproach, reproof (Judg 8:15; Matt 11:20; Mark 16:14) |
Usurp (authority) | 1 | to assume or arrogate to oneself (1 Tim 2:12) |
Usury | 24 | premium or interest on money, gain made by lending money (Exod 22:25; Luke 19:23) |
Uttermost | 28 | outermost, farthest out or off; last of a series, store, etc. (Exod 26:4; Matt 5:26) |
Vagabond | 3 | wandering from place to place without settled habitation or home (Gen 4:12; Acts 19:13) |
Vail or Veil | 46 | (Gen 24:65; Song 5:7); a piece of cloth or other material serving as a curtain or hanging (Exod 26:31; Luke 23:45) |
Vale | 9 | a dale or valley (Gen 14:3; 2 Chr 1:15; Jer 33:13) |
(men of) Valour | 37 | worth or importance due to personal qualities or to rank (Judg 3:29; Neh 11:14) |
Variableness | 1 | the quality of being variable or changeable (Jas 1:17) |
Variance | 2 | in a state of discord, dissension, or enmity (Matt 10:35); a disagreement, quarrel (Gal 5:20) |
Vaunt | 1 | to brag or boast (Judg 7:2) |
Vehement(ly) | 2/1/5 | operating with great strength or violence (Song 8:6; Jonah 4:8); extremely strong or deep, ardent, eager (2 Cor 7:11); vigorous, violent, or intense With strong or violent language (Mark 14:31; Luke 23:10) |
Vein | 1 | a deposit of metallic or earthy material (Job 28:1) |
Venison | 8 | the flesh of an animal killed by hunting and used as food (Gen 25:28; Gen 27:33) |
(at a) Venture | 4 | at random, by chance (1 Kgs 22:34; 2 Chr 18:33) |
Verily | 140 | truly, really, or indeed (Gen 42:21; 1 John 2:5) |
Verity | 2 | truth (Ps 111:7; 1 Tim 2:7) |
Vermilion | 2 | brilliant scarlet/red earthy pigment (Jer 22:14; Ezek 23:14) |
Vestments | 2 | an outer garment of the nature of a robe or gown (2 Kgs 10:22) |
Vesture | 9 | that with which a person is clothed or dressed, apparel, garment, vestment (Gen 41:42; Ps 22:18; Rev 19:16) |
Vex | 37 | to trouble, afflict, or harass (Exod 22:21; Isa 11:13; 2 Pet 2:8) |
Vexation | 15 | the state or fact of being mentally troubled or distressed (Deut 28:20; Eccl 4:6; Isa 65:14) |
Victuals | 22 | food or provisions of any kind (Exod 12:39; 2 Chr 11:11; Luke 9:12) |
Vile | 19 | deserving to be regarded with abhorrence or disgust (Deut 25:3); Of poor or bad quality (Jer 29:17); of a low, base character, morally depraved (Nah 1:14); physically repulsive (Phil 3:21); mean, wretched (Jas 2:2) |
Viol | 4 | a musical instrument having strings and played by means of a bow (Isa 5:12; Amos 6:5) |
Virtue | 3/4 | the power or operative influence inherent in divine being (Mark 5:30; Luke 6:19; Luke 8:46); voluntary observance of the recognised moral laws or standards of right conduct (Phil 4:8; 2 Pet 1:3; 2 Pet 1:5) |
Visage | 3 | the face, countenance (Isa 52:14; Lam 4:8; Dan 3:19) |
Want(ing) | 44 | deficiency, shortage, lack of something desirable or necessary (Deut 28:48; Phil 4:11; Jas 1:4); to be lacking or missing, to be deficient in quantity or degree (Ps 23:1; Prov 13:25; John 2:3) |
Wanton(ness) | 3/2 | lascivious, unchaste, lewd (Isa 3:16; 1 Tim 5:11; Jas 5:5); lasciviousness, unchastity (Rom 13:13; 2 Pet 2:18) |
Wax | 62 | to grow or increase gradually (Gen 18:12; Exod 22:24; Heb 1:11; Rev 18:3) |
Wayfaring (man) | 6 | travelling or journeying by road (Judg 19:17; 2 Sam 12:4; Jer 9:2) |
Waymark | 1 | an object, whether natural or artificial, which serves as a guide to the traveller (Jer 31:21) |
Wen | 1 | a lump or protuberance on the body, a knot, bunch, wart (Lev 22:22) |
Wench | 1 | a girl, maid, young woman (2 Sam 17:17) |
Whence | 72 | from or out of which; From what place? (Gen 3:23; Gen 16:8; Rev 7:13) |
Wherefore | 348 | for which reason, and therefore (Gen 10:9; 3 John 1:10); For what cause or reason? Why? (Gen 31:27; Rev 17:7) |
Whet | 4 | to sharpen (Deut 32:41; Ps 7:12; Eccl 10:10) |
Whilst | 10 | during the time that, while, when (Judg 6:31; Heb 10:33) |
Whit | 5 | a very small, the least portion or amount (Deut 13:16; 1 Sam 3:18; John 7:23) |
Wile | 2 | a piece of deception; subtlety, guile (Num 25:18; Eph 6:11) |
Wimple | 1 | a garment worn by women, so folded as to envelop the head, chin, sides of the face, and neck (Isa 3:22) |
(any/no) Wise | 23 | likewise, way of being or acting; in no way (Exod 22:23; Lev 7:24; Rev 21:27) |
Wist (not) | 13 | past tense of verb “wit” — knew (did not know) (Exod 16:15; Mark 9:6; Luke 2:49) |
(to) Wit | 4/17 | to be aware of, to know (Gen 24:21; Exod 2:4; 2 Cor 5:19; 2 Cor 8:1); that is, namely (1 Kgs 7:50; Rom 8:23) |
Withal | 33 | at the same time (Exod 25:29; 1 Sam 16:12; Phil 1:22) |
Withs | 3 | a band or tie consisting of a tough flexible twig or branch, as of willow or osier (Judg 16:7) |
(was) Wont | 9 | accustomed, used; in the habit of doing something (Exod 21:29; Acts 16:13) |
Wot | 10 | to know, to be aware (Gen 21:26; Exod 32:1; Acts 3:17; Rom 11:2) |
Wreathen | 10 | formed by or as by wreathing, wrying, twisting, or twining (Exod 28:14; 2 Kgs 25:17) |
Wrest | 5 | to turn or deflect, to distort or pervert (Exod 23:2; 2 Pet 3:16) |
Wroth | 49 | stirred to wrath, very angry or indignant (Gen 4:5; Rev 12:17) |
Ye | 3984 | second person plural pronoun (nominative case) — you (Gen 3:1; Rev 19:18) |
Yea | 340 | a word used to express affirmation or assent; yes (Gen 17:16; Rev 14:13); introducing a question or remark, expressing either vague assent or opposition, or objection: Indeed?, Well, Well then (Gen 3:1) |
Yokefellow | 1 | a fellow-worker, a partner in some work or occupation (Phil 4:3) |
Yonder | 7 | there, over there, away there (Gen 22:5; Num 16:37; Matt 17:20) |